Developing for the SpringSource DM Server in Eclipse
Posted on September 12, 2008
by Tommy McGuire
Prior to 11:00 a.m. yesterday, that was the SpringSource Application Platform. I love change.This is a simplification of some internal notes I've put together (skipping the internal-only stuff) that I'll probably need to remember and that may be interesting to someone, somewhere.
Installing S2DMS (phfft) tools for Eclipse
- Download and install Eclipse.
- Install Subversion plug-ins. The update site is (Optional.)
- Install the Spring IDE plug-ins along with the SpringSource dm Server Tools. The installation instructions are currently out of date. The new, consolidated update site is
Install S2DMS
- Download the SpringSource server archive from SpringSource.
- Unzip this to a local directory outside the Eclipse workspace. (There are path name length issues under Windows. For that OS, unzip the file in a root directory.)
By default, S2dmS listens for HTTP connections on port 8080. If you already have something listening on that port, edit the config/servletContainer.config file and change the port number listed in the "servletContainer" / "connectors" / "port" element.
Note: The S2dmS User's and Programmer's Guides are available under springsource-dm-server-1.0.2.RELEASE/docs, in the extracted directory. Another necessary document is the SpringSource Dynamic Modules for OSGi Reference Documentation.
Running S2DMS within Eclipse
- Bring up the Servers view: Window → Show View → Other → Server → Servers.
- Bring up a "New Server" dialog: Right click in Servers view and select New → Server.
- Select "SpringSource dm Server v1.0" under the SpringSource category, give it an appropriate name, and click "Next".
- In the "SpringSource AP installation directory" field, locate the springsource-dm-server-1.0.1.RELEASE directory created when you installed S2dmS above.
- Select "Finish".
- Run S2dmS from the Servers view; logging output will appear in the Console view.
The S2dmS splash page can be found at http://localhost:8080/ (or the non-default port number configured above). The default admin account is "admin" with password "springsource".
You can also telnet to localhost, port 2401, to find the remote console interface. The command "help" will display a list of commands.
[Updated for new files and locations - March 23, 2009.]
Thanks for the instructions. They may need some updates now for the new version of dm server and also the update sites.
You're absolutely correct: those are way out of date. I will update it as soon as I get a spare few minutes.
I believe the new Spring IDE update site is, the SpringSource dm server update site is, and the server itself can be found at
Tommy McGuire