Maniagnosis: the name
Posted on October 10, 2007
by Tommy McGuire
The name "Maniagnosis" comes from Narbonic, by Shaenon K. Garrity.Well, since y'all asked...
Malology = "bad study" or "evil study".
Maniagnosis = "insane knowledge". The pseudo-Latinate term for mad science.
Both _The New Journal of Malology_ and _Maniagnosis_ are respected journals in the evil scientific community. The _Journal of Malology_ became the _New Journal of Malology_ when the editorial staff was devoured by plague-bearing zombies, which then became the new editors. (See Narbon, H.B., "Effects of Systematically Tearing Limbs Off the Rotting Carcasses of _New Journal of Malology_ Editors, With a Detailed Explanation as to Why This Is a Very Bad Idea", _Transthanatology Today_, Vol. 33.6, pp. 47-60.)
Basically, I made up mad-science terminology in bad Latin a while ago, and I'm trying to find a use for it. Cartoonists have no life.